Suggest me some exercises to do to learn DNS?

Started by networkloser, October 21, 2023, 01:54:50 AM

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I've these textbooks

- Comer's tcp ip internetworking
- Fourouzan's networks
- Kurose Ross networks

But I'm not seeing any exercises in this books that are helpful to deepen my understanding.

I like the exercises like this:

The computer science department at purdue university chose to place the following type A record resource record entry in its domain name server:

Explain what will happen if a remote site tries to ping a machine with domain name

How can I simulate this on my linux machines?


Quote from: networkloser on October 21, 2023, 01:54:50 AMHow can I simulate this on my linux machines?

you can run bind on your linux machine, it is a DNS server. then you can test whatever you want for the most part locally.
you could probabbly setup a VM that runs bind, and then try to ping from local machine to VM running bind


My Moral Fibers have been cut.
