Whining about PTP

Started by dlots, November 20, 2015, 02:34:17 PM

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I just need to whine about this PTP protocol (Super acurate timing protocol, hopefully we can use it to get rid of lots of GPS clocks) I am trying to figure out and deploy on our test gear.  Normally for a new protocol you just look up a few blogs and find ~100k people who have deployed it before, this one isn't so popular so far. Lots of info and config options, but no info on what those options really do.

The main thing killing me is I can't get a GPS clock for a timing source.  So is my stuff not syncing because I suck, or because it has nothing to sync to.  No clue


Yeaaaahhhh... to be honest it's supported on a lot of gear, but I have yet to run into anyone yet asking me to help set it up, and I don't know a lot about it.  I'm kinda hoping I don't get asked... lol.  It seems like the very, very few that actually use it, know how to already.  At least that's my experience.

From my understanding, at least on a certain vendor's gear, you do need an atomic clock source.
Engineer by day, DJ by night, family first always


For Cisco it looks like GPS clocks work just fine from what I am seeing.


I remember that the Cisco ME3600X support it with GPS. I never configured it however. I never got anyone to care since NTP is well-known and precise enough for most applications.


Quote from: dlots on November 22, 2015, 03:14:14 PM
For Cisco it looks like GPS clocks work just fine from what I am seeing.

Ah - I thought the two were largely the same, but I see GPS gets its timing from an atomic source.

Quote....but usually more, GPS satellites, each of which has at least two onboard caesium and as many as two rubidium atomic clocks.
Engineer by day, DJ by night, family first always
