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Rasberry Pi

Started by icecream-guy, November 29, 2015, 08:35:43 AM

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Any you folks have experience with Rasberry Pi?   I picked up the Pi Zero last Friday for 5 buck, couldn't resist.

Doing some research the past few days, I'm in a bit over my head and need some tips for what I need to to next. 

I did pick up the Pi Zero adapter from the swag store, contains mini to standard adapters. and a GPIO male header (not sure what to do with that). The adapters in the store were like 4x the price of the Zero. the kit was 4GBP

Downloading Raspbian Jessie now, but not ready for it  yet.

Generally some things I know
need to power the device,
need a miniSD card for storage
need video
need keyboard/mouse
need to install the OS

My Moral Fibers have been cut.


I have several of the model B here. I have not played with the Pi Zero yet. It is more designed for hardware guys. There is only one usable USB (the second is for power), and no built in networking. If the adapter kit you got is the one I am looking at then you will need a power supply, and a miniSD card. Looks like it takes the same power supply as the other Pi 5V 1A to micro USB. The miniSD card/OS is probably the same as well. Just get the image on the miniSD, plug it in with power, HDMI, and a keyboard. Should be good to start.



It's an ARM-based Linux. What more do you want? I have experience with running network services on them so far. Haven't programmed on them yet, which would be the main purpose of a RPI Zero. It's a lot of power for a cheap device, and the community does wonders. Tons of packages and guides.