1s & 0s-New Year, New Focus

Started by that1guy15, December 21, 2016, 06:02:33 AM

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New Year, New Focus

2016 has been a busy year. Both career and family have demanded a ton of my time leaving very little for myself, this blog and social media. The CCIE took a huge toll on my family, and they deserved me back for at least a couple months!

2016 was the first year in my career I was free from the rat race of certification/education and more recently the CCIE. My intent for the year was to focus my
Source: New Year, New Focus

From http://blog.movingonesandzeros.net/


Welcome back to the world of the living! Looking forward to more DC blogs. I enjoy reading them so I become more literate about what goes on in the DC, how it all works in there.
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